


As we start the new year, a reminder from ​Atomic Habits​:

“New goals don’t deliver new results. New lifestyles do. And a lifestyle is a process, not an outcome. For this reason, all of your energy should go into building better habits, not chasing better results.”


“A simple filter for managing your time: You’re not focused enough unless you’re mourning some of the things you’re saying no to.”


“Don’t worry about being the most interesting person in the room, just try to be the most interested person in the room.

  • The interested person asks about others and leaves a good impression because people like talking about themselves.
  • The interested person is genuinely curious about someone’s craft and learns a lot about how things work.
  • The interested person engages with more people and—because opportunities come through people—is more likely to catch a lucky break.

In general, the interested person learns more and tends to be well-liked. And in the long run, it’s hard to keep down someone who is well-learned and well-liked.”



Entrepreneur and investor Matt Griswold offers an approach for life:

“Think in decades and act in days.”

Source: Twitter


Roman philosopher Musonius Rufus on long-term thinking:

“If you accomplish something good with hard work, the labor passes quickly, but the good endures; if you do something shameful in pursuit of pleasure, the pleasure passes quickly, but the shame endures.”

Source: Lectures and Fragments, Fragment 51


Who are you trying to become this year? Which actions will reinforce that identity?

Until next week,

James Clear
Author of Atomic Habits and keynote speaker​

p.s. ​The ultimate New Years resolution​.

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