"The person who experiences the consequences should make the decision."
- James Clear
"The Process:
1. Decide what you want to achieve.
2. Try different ways of achieving it until you find one that works for you.
3. Do more of what works. Do less of what doesn’t.
4. Don’t stop doing it until it stops working.
5. Repeat.
It is both this simple and this hard."
- James Clear
"The quality of your thoughts is determined by the quality of your reading. Spend more time thinking about the inputs."
- James Clear
"Things that keep people from fulfilling their potential:
-Lacking the courage to try
-Trying to please everyone
-Imitating the desires of others
-Chasing status without questioning why
-Playing superhero and trying to do it all alone
-Dividing attention between too many projects"
- James Clear
"Think about self-control less as the quality of a person and more as the quality of a place. There are some places and situations that lean toward lower self-control and others that lean toward higher self-control. Self-control is about your context as much as your character. Put yourself in good positions."
- James Clear
"Four questions that can tell you a lot:
1. When you wake up, do you expect today to have many joys or many frustrations?
2. When presented with an opportunity, do you have a bias toward action or do you postpone decisions?
3. When things go well for others, do you enjoy cheering them on or do you hate to hear about their success?
4. When things go wrong, do you believe it is your responsibility to improve the situation or do you blame others?"
- James Clear
"Your teaching ability is constrained by your writing ability.
If you can’t write it down, it will be nearly impossible to teach it well."
- James Clear
"If you do not bend, you will break.
The adaptable prevail. Determined, but flexible."
- James Clear
"Whether a decision is good or bad can change based on how you act after the choice is made.
You can't learn all the lessons beforehand. You learn a lot about what you want in a marriage after getting married. You discover what type of career you enjoy after doing a lot of work. And so it goes in nearly every area of life. In many cases, what you wish you knew ahead of time can only be learned after the decision is made.
So there is nothing left but to pay attention to what you like, continue to iterate, and commit to making the most of each opportunity. There is no perfect decision. Good decisions are made right after the fact."
- James Clear
"People frequently get what they deserve, but it doesn't feel like it because the unspoken rule is that you only deserve it if you have (1) the courage to attempt it, (2) the guts to ask for it, and (3) the willingness try again when it doesn't work out the first time."
- James Clear
"When accessing all information is common, paying attention to important information is rare."
- James Clear
"The world is big, but industries are small.
After a few years, everyone comes to know the quality of your work.
Reputation matters."
- James Clear
"Your best performances will come when you are working in a way that is a full expression of you. The work becomes a natural display of your personality. This is when you not only get better results, but also love the activity — because in doing the craft, you feel alive."
- James Clear
"Caring about everything is a disaster.
Caring about nothing is also a disaster.
Nurture the small pocket of things that truly matter to you."
- James Clear
"People who rarely receive criticism often take feedback too personally and miss opportunities to learn.
People who frequently receive criticism get used to ignoring what others say and also miss opportunities to learn.
The thing to focus on is the pattern. If you hear something once, don't let it wreck your mindset. There are many ways to view the world and not everyone will agree with your approach.
But if you're hearing something repeatedly, think carefully about whether the feedback is right."
- James Clear
"If you keep showing up, you'll almost certainly break through — but probably not in the way you expected or intended. You need enough persistence to keep working and enough flexibility to enjoy success when it comes in a different form than you imagined. "
- James Clear
"Use what you already know. People are so busy searching for a shortcut — or hoping an easier path will reveal itself — they let numerous moments slip by when they could get results simply by doing what is right in front of them."
- James Clear
"Your habits are often a byproduct of convenience. Humans are wired to seek the path of least resistance, which means the most convenient option is often the one that wins. Make good choices more convenient and bad choices less so. Behavior will improve naturally."
- James Clear
"You have to work hard to discover how to work smart. You won't know the best solutions until you've made nearly all the mistakes."
- James Clear
"Two simple rules:
1. You get better at what you practice.
2. Everything is practice.
Look around and you may be surprised by what people are “practicing" each day. If you consider each moment a repetition, what are most people training for all day long?
Many people are practicing getting mad on social media. Others are practicing the fine art of noticing how they have been wronged. Still more have mastered the craft of making plans (but never following through).
But, of course, it doesn't have to be that way.
What are you practicing?"
- James Clear
"When dreaming, imagine success.
When preparing, imagine failure.
When acting, imagine success."
- James Clear
"If you do not actively choose a better way, then society, culture, and the general inertia of life will push you into a worse way. The default is distraction, not improvement."
- James Clear
"You can lose yourself one small compromise at a time.
You can transform yourself one small win at a time."
- James Clear
"Train hard and focus on what you can control."
- James Clear
"If you're eager to learn—even if you aren't particularly talented—then you can make it a long way despite your shortcomings.
But if you're not eager and curious, you'll find your natural abilities often fall short of what is required."
- James Clear
"Limiting your options now will expand your opportunities in the long run because you can remain focused enough to master something.
Keeping your options open now will reduce your opportunities in the long run because you divide your attention and end up doing an average job on seven different things.
Are you falling into the pattern of always mastering one thing or always chasing the next thing?"
- James Clear
"The more an idea is tied to your identity, the more you will ignore evidence it is false. People seem to have no trouble finding reasons to ignore the merits of ideas they dislike.
To continue to grow and learn, you must be willing to update, expand, and edit your identity. In many ways, growth is unlearning."
- James Clear
"A critical quality to develop in life is the willingness to try. You simply must find enough confidence to give it a go. The human mind is fabulous at learning. You will get better at whatever you practice. But before you can develop the skill to succeed, you must find the courage to attempt."
- James Clear
"Grow fast, built to crash.
Grow slow, built to last."
- James Clear
"If you look for evidence that people are conspiring to hold you back and the world is working against you, then it will take you no time at all to find precisely that.
If you expect to encounter helpful people and experience a world that is working with you, then you find plenty of evidence to support that view as well.
The raw material for a sweet life or a bitter life is always there. The story you emphasize is the one you notice."
- James Clear
"Focus on what provides value to others, not what impresses others.
Other people spend about as much time thinking about your lifestyle and accomplishments as you spend thinking about their lifestyle and accomplishments. Which is to say, not much time at all.
The things we do to impress others rarely impress them for longer than five minutes. But the things we do to provide value for others can last a lifetime. In the long run, one of the most impressive things you can do is provide exceptional value."
- James Clear
"Anger is like an oven; heat without light.
Forgiveness is like the moon; light without heat."
- James Clear
"Ideas that are hoarded help no one. Success follows generosity."
- James Clear
"In many cases, you'll find the only thing preventing you from learning is your ego.
No one enjoys feeling foolish, but attempting something new requires that you climb down from your perch and struggle as a beginner. You must ask questions that reveal your ignorance or attempt skills that make you look uncoordinated.
Learning demands the willingness to live in a brief state of discomfort. You must believe that looking like a fool for an hour will not ruin your reputation for life."
- James Clear
"Before you worry about how to win the game, figure out whether the game is worth winning."
- James Clear
"There is no need to fear any problem you are working on. If you are working on it, then you are influencing the outcome.
It's the problems you don't address that should concern you."
- James Clear
"The secret is to do a few things for a long time.
The challenge is...
(1) You need to experiment and explore quite a bit to find the thing that is worth doubling down on. It may take a few years (or a decade) to find the project or relationship or cause that you want to commit to for a long time.
(2) New things are always coming up. Once you find something you want to do for a long time, you need the courage and discipline to say no to the shiny, new opportunities. After years of exploring and experimenting, it can be hard to flip the switch and remain focused.
You have to be willing to explore widely enough to find your thing, then willing to focus narrowly enough to make it something great."
- James Clear
"Focus on your likes, not your wants.
-You may not want to exercise, but you like how it makes you feel.
-You may not want to write, but you like the feeling of accomplishment.
-You may not want to wake up early, but you like the calm beauty of morning.
Wanting is the desire you feel before doing something. Liking is the satisfaction you feel after doing something. Let your likes guide you."
- James Clear
"There are many ways to win in business, but there is one surefire way to lose: run out of money. Entrepreneurship is a game of survival."
- James Clear
"There are all kinds of cheat codes lying around, but they usually look boring. People will routinely ignore things that already work for the hope of a slightly easier path. The cheat code is the work you're avoiding."
- James Clear
"Two years, not two months.
The visible progress you're hoping for usually comes slower than you'd like. Even with consistent effort it can take a long time before progress feels significant. It might be a year of writing and editing before the book really starts to come together. You may need two years of recovery from a major injury before you notice just how far you've come. It may take two years of yoga before you realize how flexible you have become.
Take a deep breath, stop worrying about immediate results, and settle into a nice routine."
- James Clear
"The rules:
(1) know precisely what you want,
(2) determine the cost of what it will take to get it,
(3) don't bargain over the price."
- James Clear
"You can carve out a very good career simply by being the most reliable person on the team. You would not think that always showing up on time, hitting every deadline, and responding quickly and professionally to all communication would be such a differentiator, but these traits are always in short supply."
- James Clear
"Plant the seeds of greatness in your mind."
- James Clear
"The strategy required to find a great opportunity (lots of saying yes and exploring widely) is different from the strategy required to make the most of a great opportunity (lots of saying no and remaining focused)."
- James Clear
"I have had periods in my career when I have been sprinting full speed and accomplished a great deal and I have had seasons when I have been fairly lazy and coasted on my previous effort.
What I have learned is that I am the major obstruction to getting results. Whether external conditions are favorable or unfavorable makes less difference than whether I am fully engaged and consistent. Even in competitive fields, the competition is primarily within yourself."
- James Clear
"Do bold things with a pleasant and friendly demeanor."
- James Clear
"Communication is about what is received, not what is intended. If there is a gap between what you are saying and what they are hearing, you have to find a new way to say it."
- James Clear
"The bad workouts are the most important ones. It's easy to train when you feel good, but it's crucial to show up when you don't feel like it—even if you do less than you hope.
Going to the gym for 15 minutes might not improve your performance, but it reaffirms your identity. It's not always about what happens during the workout. It's about becoming the type of person who doesn't miss workouts."
- James Clear
"In many cases, what you hope to learn by reading books or listening to podcasts can only be learned by attempting what you fear. Some knowledge is only revealed through action."
- James Clear