
"You can ignore your weaknesses, but you can't expect them to not impact you. The weakness of the coach shapes the players. The weakness of the teacher influences the students. The weakness of the parent molds the child."

- James Clear

"You will never find one answer to what makes you happy. There are many answers, and they change based on your current state.

People need to relax, but if all you do is sit on the beach, it gets old. People find meaning in work, but if all you do is work, it gets exhausting. People benefit from exercise, but if all you do is exercise, it gets unhealthy.

Happiness will always be fleeting because your needs change over time. The question is: what do you need right now?"

- James Clear

"Simple ways to have a peaceful moment:

-Close your eyes and just breathe for two minutes.

-Leave your phone in another room for an hour.

-Watch a cloud form and then dissolve.

-Stand in the sunshine and notice how it warms your skin.

-Light a candle and watch the flame dance."

- James Clear

"Reputation is the echo of your actions."

- James Clear

"Greed is wanting the benefits of community without contributing to it."

- James Clear

"How to connect with others:

Share with someone who wants to listen or listen to someone who wants to share."

- James Clear

"Never outsource what you enjoy."

- James Clear

"You don't need to worry about progressing slowly. You need to worry about climbing the wrong mountain."

- James Clear

"If you already live a comfortable life, then choosing to make more money but live a worse daily life is a bad trade.

And yet, we talk ourselves into it all the time. We take promotions that pay more, but swallow our free time. We already have a successful business, but we break ourselves trying to make it even more successful.

Too much focus on wealth, not enough focus on lifestyle."

- James Clear

"Laughter itself cannot make a great relationship, but the lack of it can spoil one."

- James Clear

"Holding onto anger and resentment is like scuba diving with an anchor. As long as you're clinging to it, you're bound to the seabed, limited in movement, unable to appreciate the coral reefs and the colorful fish that dart in and out of view.

Forgiveness is letting go of the anchor. It isn't about declaring what was done to you is okay, but about unburdening yourself so you can swim freely. Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself. It's the gift of letting go of the anchors you've been carrying."

- James Clear

"I split problems into two groups: muddy puddles and leaky ceilings.

Some problems are like muddy puddles. The way to clear a muddy puddle is to leave it alone. The more you mess with it, the muddier it becomes. Many of the problems I dream up when I'm overthinking or worrying or ruminating fall into this category. Is life really falling apart or am I just in a sour mood? Is this as hard as I'm making it or do I just need to go workout? Drink some water. Go for a walk. Get some sleep. Go do something else and give the puddle time to turn clear.

Other problems are like a leaky ceiling. Ignore a small leak and it will always widen. Relationship tension that goes unaddressed. Overspending that becomes a habit. One missed workout drifting into months of inactivity. Some problems multiply when left unattended. You need to intervene now.

Are you dealing with a leak or a puddle?"

- James Clear

"Some people get addicted to chain-smoking their problems. They spend all day going from sorrow to sorrow. It doesn't have to be that way. You can live each day going from joy to joy—like a sunflower that turns to face the sun as it moves across the sky. It's not about having a problem-free life, but about focusing on the light. Sunflowers still have shadows, but they are always behind them."

- James Clear

"A truth unsaid can still be felt.

What needs to be discussed, but hasn't been said yet?

Clear the air."

- James Clear

"How to clarify a concept you can't articulate:

​ 1. Change mediums. Draw it. Photograph it. Sing it.

2. Change levels. Explain what is one level up (bigger picture) or one level down (finer details).

3. Change fields. What would this concept look like in different fields?"

- James Clear

"Flexibility alone is not a great strategy, but the lack of it can ruin one."

- James Clear

"The beginner chases the right answers.

The master chases the right questions."

- James Clear

"The reason people get good ideas in the shower is because it's the only time during the day when most people are away from screens long enough to think clearly. The lesson is not to take more showers, but rather to make more time to think."

- James Clear

"You can go to hell without moving an inch, just focus on what you lack.

You can taste heaven without leaving earth, just rejoice in what you have."

- James Clear

"I can't control the other person's behavior, but I can control my response. Their actions may be rude or unacceptable, but I still want my response to be measured and thoughtful. Even if they aren't doing what is right, I still want to make sure I'm doing what is right."

- James Clear

"Don't sacrifice peace of mind for a piece of luxury."

- James Clear

"The secret is not to find the meaning of life, but to use your life to make things that are meaningful."

- James Clear

"Stop paying so much attention to what everyone else is doing and run your own race. How much time is spent reading other people's posts on social media, watching other people's exploits in the news, listening to other people's ideas on podcasts? Go have coffee with a friend. Go make something. Go outside. All those hours spent looking at someone else's life on a screen could be used to take action in your own life."

- James Clear

"The more things you have, the more things you have to manage.

Simplicity isn't merely cheaper, it's easier."

- James Clear

"When I go into a situation, I try to keep a mindset of baseline optimism.

-When starting the day: It’s going to be a good day.

-When meeting someone new: I’m going to like them.

-When trying something challenging: It’s going to work out.

Problems will inevitably arise and I’ll deal with them as the situation demands, but my preference is to assume I’m on a winning path until proven otherwise."

- James Clear

"You should always be rooting for the people you know. Not only because you may need their support tomorrow, but also because it feels good to celebrate something.

Celebration can rescue your day—even if it is someone else's victory. Envy will ruin your day—even if you're actually winning."

- James Clear

"If you want a recipe for unhappiness, spend your time accumulating a lot of money and let your health and relationships deteriorate."

- James Clear

"The wedding is an event, love is a practice.

The graduation is an event, education is a practice.

The race is an event, fitness is a practice.

The heart, mind, and body are endless pursuits."

- James Clear

"The days can be easy if the years are consistent. You can write a book or get in shape or code a piece of software in 30 minutes per day. But the key is you can't miss a bunch of days."

- James Clear

"New goals don't deliver new results. New lifestyles do. And a lifestyle is a process, not an outcome. For this reason, all of your energy should go into building better habits, not chasing better results."

- James Clear

"You will love whatever you pour your heart into. Passion follows commitment."

- James Clear

"It is not too late to do what you want to do—if you stop waiting for the time to be right"

- James Clear

"Life is harder when you expect a lot of the world and little of yourself.

Life is easier when you expect a lot of yourself and little of the world.

High standards, low expectations."

- James Clear

"You are not the cause of everything that happens to you, but you are responsible for how you respond to everything that happens to you."

- James Clear

"At some point, you will have to learn to let go.

There is an endless list of obligations and expectations, desires and ambitions, and worries and fears that will always be ready to insert themselves between you and the feeling of peace.

If you never learn to let them go, there will never be enough."

- James Clear

"You have to live with your mistakes, but you don't have to compound them.

To follow up an error with a foolish reaction is to lose twice. Given the reality of where you are right now, what is the best next action?

A wise response may not erase a dumb mistake, but it can redeem it."

- James Clear

"Exerting more effort doesn't help if you're on the wrong trajectory.

- Working harder on the wrong thing just wastes more time.

- Learning more from a biased source will lead you further from the truth.

- Doubling down on a toxic relationship only sets you up for more headaches.

Before you try harder, make sure you are walking a path that leads where you want to go."

- James Clear

"Relax. Your rumination, analysis, worry, and need to control the future are robbing you of the current moment. Yes, there is a time for preparation, but continually thinking of the future guarantees you'll never enjoy in the present."

- James Clear

"For each headache you face, ask yourself, "Is this mostly real or mostly imagined?" Solve the real problems, release the imaginary ones."

- James Clear

"Don't overlook the basics. Don't ignore the foundation. How long can a tree remain standing without the roots?"

- James Clear

"When you tolerate an error, you rob yourself of learning.

When you ruminate on an error, you rob yourself of happiness.

Notice it, improve it, and move on from it."

- James Clear

"Simplify. What can be done in three steps should never be done in four. Each link in the chain is a potential breaking point. Fewer links means fewer chances of failure."

- James Clear

"In many cases, what you want to “buy” isn’t being “sold.”

-the best homes usually aren’t for sale

-the best employees usually aren’t looking

People tend to hold onto the great things in life. They are almost never easily available. If you want to get them, you need enough courage to ask and enough salesmanship to convince them."

- James Clear

"Your relationships will rarely be healthier than your self-esteem."

- James Clear

"Before you discover what you love: fewer commitments, more experiments.

After you discover what you love: fewer experiments, more commitments."

- James Clear

"It's hard to save poor early decisions with good late decisions.

It's hard to write a best-selling book if you chose an unpopular topic.

It's hard to build a happy marriage if you married an unhappy person.

It's hard to make money in real estate if you overpaid at the beginning.

Certainly, things can be improved by making good decisions along the way, but the effects of poor early decisions tend to linger."

- James Clear

"One filter I use for making decisions: How much can I influence the outcome after the initial choice is made?

When I can do a lot to influence the outcome, I'm less worried about risk. Even if the choice appears risky on the surface, I can likely create a good outcome with effort.

When I can't do much to influence the outcome, I'm more risk averse. Even my best effort won't move the needle. Your ability to influence the outcome after a decision is made is a crucial thing to consider."

- James Clear

"Arguably the most important skill is controlling your attention. This goes beyond merely avoiding distractions. The deeper skill is finding the highest and best use for your time, given what is important to you. More than anything else, controlling your attention is about being able to figure out what you should be working on and identifying what truly moves the needle."

- James Clear

"The odds increase, the more you try."

- James Clear

"Many people view their habits and routines as obstacles or, at the very least, obligations to get through. Making the morning coffee, driving your kids to the next activity, preparing the next meal—we often see our routines as chores to be completed.

But these are not moments to be dismissed. They are life. Making coffee can be a peaceful ritual—perhaps even a fulfilling one—if done with care rather than rushed to completion. It’s about the amount of attention you devote to these simple moments, and whether you choose to appreciate them or bulldoze through them on the way to the next task.

Find the beauty and joy in your daily rituals and you will find beauty and joy in your daily life. To love your habits is to love your days, and to love your days is to love your life."

- James Clear

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